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Gwilherm Baudic edited this page Dec 15, 2019 · 1 revision


As stated in the project description, it uses SDL2 for its 2D graphic system, in conjunction with SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_mixer and SDL2_gfx for other needs. The original GunBound software also uses some 3D in the backgrounds while playing, but at the moment this functionality is not planned in LinBound - at least, not with real 3D.
The network abilities will be implemented with SDL2_net.

The GUI subsystem will use guisan.

Physics (collision, gravity) will use Box2D, terrain damage will be implemented directly.

To read and use maps drawn by users, description files will be required. XML language parsed with tinyXML2 is my current choice. Furthermore, this will allow the use of WarMUX maps at least for testing, as the game shares many features with Worms and, of course, WarMUX. Although this open-source project died in late 2011, it could provide some interesting insights, just like the similar and still living Hedgewars.
XML will also be used for avatar item lists.


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