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Gwilherm Baudic edited this page Dec 15, 2019 · 1 revision


In the game, players do not fight directly; instead, they are sitting in a mobile and wearing some items on them, and they use the mobile to fire ammunition towards their opponents.


In order to achieve animation, we are going to consider mobiles as "sprites" with the image file containing all the steps for the animation.

A mobile can have five states, with each being a line in the image file:

  • ACTIVE (0): initial state, mobile is fit and alive;
  • DYING (1): mobile has sustained a lot of damage, it has smoke coming out of it...
  • DEAD (2): typically a static position, the mobile is dead and the player has escaped the game area. Only available in modes SOLO and DUO.
  • FALLING (3): a temporary state when a player is respawning, because players are dropped in the game area from the top of the screen. Also arises when a player is falling out of the ground during the game, often the result of a hole created by an opponent ("bunge").
  • FLYING (4): a special flying mobile is used to evacuate the player to the top of the screen once its original mobile is dead. It is the same every time.
  • SHOOTING (5): a mobile initially active or dying is gathering energy to fire some ammunition.

Mobile list

Just like in the original game, mobiles will be split into three categories: Animal, Vegetal or Mineral.

  • Animal mobiles:
    • Unicorn (plane, sheep)
    • Duck (orange, dolphin)
    • Dolphin (trash can, duck)
    • Goat (Tree, cabbage)
    • Cow (cabbage, tank)
    • Sheep (rose, unicorn)
    • Pig. (raspberry, resistor)
  • Vegetal mobiles:
    • Tree (Plane, Goat)
    • Teapot (Rock, Iceberg)
    • Rose (sheep, diamond)
    • Cabbage (Cow, goat)
    • Raspberry (Pig, trash can)
    • Coffee cup (Rock, Iceberg)
    • Orange. (Duck, resistor)
  • Mineral mobiles:
    • Rock (coffee cup, teapot)
    • Resistor (orange, pig)
    • Tank (diamond, cow)
    • Diamond (tank, rose)
    • Trash can (dolphin, raspberry)
    • Iceberg (coffee cup, teapot)
    • Plane. (tree, unicorn)

We can also imagine to reproduce the concept of natural enemies...

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