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Web conference notes, 2022.04.28 (MDS Working Group)

Michael Schnuerle edited this page May 3, 2022 · 10 revisions

Web Conference

MDS Working Group

  • Every other Thursday at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Zoom Registration Link:

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,84170989462#,,,,*612987# US (New York) - though we encourage Zoom


Note: Attendees register upon entry into the Zoom meeting. An attendee count will be posted here after the meeting:

22 attendees


Main Topics

Note: 30 minute meeting this week!

  • Kickoff - Sebastien Berthaud, Blue Systems (5 mins)
  • Items for WG Review - Michael Schnuerle, OMF (5 mins)
    • Modes Update on Pull Request #763 - Adding passenger services (taxis/TNCs)
    • Leave feedback on Issue #759 - MDS Agency and Provider Unification and Summary doc with 4 options
  • Wording for defining a trip in MDS - Jean Kao, Populus (20 mins)

WGSC Meeting Organizers

  • Host: Sebastien Berthaud, Blue Systems
  • Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  • Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  • Note taker: Marie Maxham, E&A

Action Items and Decisions

  1. Leave comments on Modes Update on Pull Request #763 - Adding passenger services (taxis/TNCs)
  2. Leave feedback on Issue #759 - MDS Agency and Provider Unification and Summary doc with 4 options
  3. Leave comments on PR 762 about defining a trip



Jay Williams @ Bird

Radja Kaboel @ Blue Systems

Main Items

Michael (OMF): Passenger Services PR ( call for feedback Delivery bot state mode PR next.

Michael: Agency/Provider Unification document ( call for feedback

Jean (Populus) : Defining a trip ( Super-short trips, Phantom trips, trips that end outside the city, etc. Mitch from GBFS says “only reliable indicator” is “more than one minute” - culled > 95% bad trips.

PR has descriptive text rather than any new fields or endpoints. Approximately no change to what Providers send, just guidance for the Agency to filter.

Nivedya (SANDAG): Should we add some sort of upper-bound as well?

Michael: Would we have different thresholds per-mode? Should we add distance-traveled as well?

Emmett (Superpedestrian): Let’s be clear that Providers should still provide ALL trips to whatever endpoints are in use (Agency or Provider or whatever).

Michael: Any computed trip-metrics should be applied post-filtering

Michael: Are there valid trips of length 0?

Emmett: Yes, occasionally there’s a glitch leading to multi-minute 0-distance trips

Sebastien (Blue Systems): Should we ask GBFS team why they didn’t use distance?

Mitch (GBFS): Distance measurement can be tricky due to GPS accuracy. Distance qualifier is probably a reasonable idea.

Michael: Let’s propose 50 meters as a filter too. Scooters typically have odometers which are way more accurate than GPS data.

Neil (Lacuna): Maybe we should look at false-positive/false-negative numbers for a few numbers (25m? 50m? 100m?)

Michael: Who should look at a bunch of data? Providers? Agencies? Tooling companies?

Emmett: I can look at our data, but we’re just one Provider

Jay (Bird): I don’t know how we filter out non-trips, but if we don’t charge, we don’t send the trip record

Jean: We’ll tighten up the PR using today’s feedback and do some analytics on trip data

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