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Web conference notes, 2020.02.13 (Provider Services wg)

Thiburce edited this page Feb 25, 2020 · 17 revisions

Web conference notes, 2020.02.13 (Provider Services wg)

Meeting ID: 627 957 166

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  • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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0.4.1 Notes

  • Next call will be final call for release schedule
  • Mar 1 is target for release
  • Pull pull requests will be merged by Kegan before next week’s call

Align Provider and Agency

  • Max and Henri - working to align event types and semantics
  • Break away group recommends that the goal to do it once with a big change
  • Jascha - 0.5.0
  • Expect notice about email list and separate meeting to discuss this
  • Not too late to join this party
  • Reserved state ambiguity in Provider API
  • Dirk submitted a PR #439
  • Noting that reserved has been interpreted in different ways
  • 0.4.1 highlights the ambiguity

Missing/lost event to provider spec

  • Proposal to add missing/lost event type to spec
  • Assuming that we want vehicles in 0.4.1, does it make sense now?
  • Should be done in 0.5.0; group agrees
  • Adam - As long as vehicles endpoint can move forward now, can wait until 0.5.0

Vehicles endpoint

  • Not going to worry about missing/lost state for in 0.4.1
  • Essentially ready to go
  • Jascha - this solves an alignment issue with GBFS. Existing users of GBFS would benefit

Issues to resolve in Vehicle endpoint:

  • Make “optional” and “required” language clear
  • Background explanation - Suggest to put in readme unless it gets too wordy
  • Ben - would like some help with vehicles JSON schema
  • Pagination
  • Stale data: For the consumers of the endpoint, for comparison, GBFS has a frequent refresh rate.
  • Ride Report (consumer) - as real time as possible; 15 minutes may be too long (average micro mobility ride length is less than 15 min)
  • 5 min max TTL seems reasonable for a fresh endpoint
  • Last_event_time also in the spec

Question on size and scope of MDS--getting complicated

  • Vehicles endpoint--is this a replacement for status change?
  • Use case: Point-in-time vehicle counts - can now use vehicles endpoint instead of status change endpoint. It lowers the barrier to answering this question.
  • What other things can we use to simplify? It’s easier to add than to subtract
  • Kegan - let’s get this out there and see how things are used.

Docked Bike share/stops

  • Kegan: suggests to hold off until after 0.4.1
  • “Get it right” before release
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