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Room Editing

luciensadi edited this page Jun 19, 2024 · 8 revisions

The redit command is used to create and modify rooms in the OLC system. There are two forms of syntax for this command; redit on its own edits the room you are currently standing in, and redit <room_number> edits the room with the given identification number. If the given number has no associated room, a room will be created with that number as its identifier.

To make exits between rooms, it's easiest to use the dig command-- just dig <direction> <vnum> to create an exit to the targeted room. The targeted room will also have a linked exit pointing back at the room you dug from.

The main redit menu:

1) Room Name

This is the title of the room. We prefer that this is in sentence case, like A room with a view instead of A Room with a View.

2) Room Desc

This is the room's description- it's what you see when you type LOOK. This is overridden during the night by the night description (if one is set). We recommend 3-6 lines here.

3) Night Desc

This description overrides the room's main description at night. This is an optional field.

4) Room Flags

Room Flags are flags that can be toggled to control the room's behavior in code. Examples of room flags are GARAGE, STORAGE, SOUNDPROOF, etc. For more details, see [Room Flags].

5) Domain Type

The Domain Type of a room is the Shamanic domain this room is located in. For more details, see [Domains].

6-f) Exits

Exits are displayed as the vnum they connect to if they exist. Selecting one of these will put you into the exit editing menu (more on this below). If you want a door to be closed, you must set it with zone commands.

1) Exit To

This is the vnum that this exit connects to. If you select a vnum that doesn't exist, the exit will either not exist when you look, or will lead to A Bright Light (0).

2) Description

This is the description of the exit, seen when you LOOK in the exit's direction.

3) Door Names

These are the aliases of the exit. The first name is important- it shows up in the interaction messages. Example: I open an exit with the namelist 'doors door double'. The message printed is "You open the doors."

4) Key vnum

This is the vnum of the item that serves as the key. If no key vnum is entered, the default key (item number 0) will be used as the key for this door. Note that if no key is specified, the door cannot be bypassed– it will claim it does not have an electronic lock.

5) Door flags

This lets you select the flags that apply to this exit. The flags are as follows:

  1. No door
  2. Standard door: Clears all other flags. It's just a door.
  3. Pickproof: Whether or not the door can be bypassed.
  4. Warded: Blocks astral projections if on.
  5. Glass Window: Can be looked through ("Through the window to the east, you see...")
  6. Barred Window: Can be looked through ("Through the bars to the east, you see...")
  7. No Shooting Through: Prevents firing through. Don't set this unless Vile or Lucien tells you to.
  8. Strict Key Requirement: You can only pass if you have the key and it's soulbound to you.

6) Lock Level

This is the target number required to bypass the door. Higher is harder.

7) Material Type

This allows you to select the material the door is made of. This is used in breakage tests.

8) Barrier Rating

This allows you to select the barrier rating of the door. This is used in breakage tests.

9) Hidden Rating

This is the TN to notice the exit. Zero means the door is not hidden.

a) Leaving-through-this-exit second-person custom message: (null)

b) Leaving-through-this-exit third-person custom message: (null)

c) Entering-from-this-exit third-person custom message: (null)

These allow you to specify custom strings to display when someone moves through the exit. For example, if the exit is a small hole in the eastern wall, you can put "You contort yourself and squeeze through the hole in the wall.", "$n contorts $mself and squeezes through the hole in the eastern wall.", and "$n squeezes $mself out of the hole in the western wall." respectively.

x) Purge exit.

DESTROYS THE EXIT (but only this side of it). Always use this to leave the menu if you do not want to keep the exit. Failing to do so will result in an exit leading to 'A Bright Light'.

g) Edit Jackpoint

This controls the Matrix connectivity of a room. The default is no jackpoint; consequentially, this can be safely ignored unless the room has a reason to have a Matrix jackpoint in it. If you do need to edit it, these are the fields:

0) To Host

This is the vnum of the host that the jackpoint connects to.

1) Access Mod

Not currently implemented.

2) Trace Mod

Not currently implemented.

3) I/O Speed

This is the transfer speed of the jackpoint. The following values can be used here:
0: Unlimited.
-1: Capped at MPCP * 50.
Anything else: Capped at that number.

4) Base Bandwidth

Not currently implemented.

5) Parent RTG

The vnum of the RTG this jack connects you to when you execute the logon RTG command.

6) Commlink Number

The phone number that is displayed on caller ID if the decker uses this jackpoint to place a call.

7) Physical Address

A short string with the location of the jackpoint.

h) Light Level

Allows you to set the light-level of the room. The list is not sorted in any particular manner.

i) Smoke Level

Allows you to set the smoke level. Smoke shows up when you LOOK and can obscure vision / modify target numbers for actions performed in the room.

j) Combat Options

Allows you to configure various combat behaviors. Most of these have no real effect, except for Z-height, which should always be set.

1) Crowd

Crowd has very little effect; this field adds to the TNs of Puma shamans if it is greater than 4. This value also shows up in SURVEY.

2) Cover

This field has no effect, other than showing up in SURVEY.

3) Room Type

This field has no effect.

4-6) X, Y, Z

These three fields combine to form the dimensions of a room. Z is used for slouch penalties.

k) Background Count

Background Count modifies TNs for spellcasting and magic use in the area. Background Count is covered in detail on Page 83 of 'Magic in the Shadows'.

l) Extra Descriptions

Extra Descriptions are hidden descriptions that can be LOOKed at if you know the keyword. These keywords are generally hinted to within the room's description.

m) Current / Fall rating

This field only appears if a room is set up as a water room OR the room is flagged as a falling room. This number is the TN to swim / stop from falling in the room.

n) Staff Level Required to Enter

Should not be set. This is primarily used to create areas that only staff should be in, e.g. the game administration annex at 10000.

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