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jalles76 edited this page Jun 10, 2017 · 31 revisions


set [file|player] <character> <field> <value>


The set command is a staff member's Swiss Army knife. It is used to set dozens of aspects of characters, both players and mobiles.

set <player> forces set to look for a player and not a mobile; useful for players with lame names such as "guard".

set <file> lets you change players who are not logged on.

For toggled fields, the value must be ON, OFF, YES, or NO.

Possible values:

Value Description
afk Toggles player's AFK flag. Useless on mobs.
align FIXME -- What's it do?
aspect Sets a player's aspect. Expects numeric value.
authorize FIXME -- What's it do?
ballistic Sets Ballistic value.
bank Sets nuyen in bank account.
blacklist Sets a player's BLACKLIST flag.
bod Sets Body attribute.
cha Sets Charisma attribute.
color FIXME -- What's it do?
connlog Toggles visibility of connlog. Works only on staff.
deleted Sets DELETED flag.
drunk Sets DRUNK flag. Either 'off' or value from 0 to 24.
edcon Sets the ability to edit rooms in connected zones.
ess Sets Essence value.
frozen Sets FROZEN flag.
helper Sets a player's helper toggle.
holylight Sets HOLYLIGHT flag.
hunger Sets HUNGER level ('off', 0 to 24).
idnum FIXME -- Does nothing?
impact Sets Impact value.
index FIXME -- What's it do?
initdice FIXME -- Seems bugged.
initroll FIXME -- Seems bugged.
int Sets Intelligence attribute.
invis Sets invisibility level.
invstart Sets whether players enters game wizinvis.
karma Sets Karma value. Value must include two decimals without the point.
killer Sets the KILLER flag. Useless on mobs.
level Sets a player's level. Useless on mobs.
loadroom Sets the room a player loads in.
mag Sets Magic attribute. Value must include two decimals without the point.
maxmental Set maximum mental value.
maxphysical Sets maximum physical value.
mental Sets current mental value.
newbie FIXME -- Seems bugged.
nodelete Sets NODELETE flag.
nohassle Sets NOHASSLE flag. FIXME -- What's it do?
nosnoop Sets NOSNOOP flag.
nostat FIXME -- What's it do?
notoriety Sets Notoriety value.
nowizlist FIXME -- Not implemented?
nuyen Sets nuyen in inventory.
olc Sets OLC flag.
passwd FIXME -- Seems bugged.
pg Not implemented.
physical Sets current physical value.
pker Sets a player's PKER flag. Useless on mobs.
pretitle Sets a player's pretitle. Useless on mobs.
quest Sets a player's hired toggle.
questor Sets a player's questor toggle.
qui Sets Quickness attribute.
rea Sets Reaction value.
reputation Sets Reputation value.
room Sets current room. Works like teleport.
roomflag FIXME -- What's it do?
rpe Sets RPE flag.
sex "Sets gender. Possible values are 'male', 'female' or 'neutral'"
siteok FIXME -- What's it do?
skillpoints Sets a player's skillpoints. useless on mobs.
str Sets Strength attribute.
thirst "Sets THIRST level ('off', 0 to 24)."
title Sets a player's title. Useless on mobs.
totem Sets a player's totem. Expects numeric value. Works only on shamen.
tradition Sets a player's magic tradition. Expects numeric value.
wanted Sets WANTED flag.
whotitle Sets a player's whotitle. Useless on mobs.
wil Sets Willpower attribute.
zone Sets a player's current OLC zone. Useless on mobs.


set Puppet olc on

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