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Room Flags (redit)

luciensadi edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

These are the flags that are currently able to be applied to rooms in Awake CE. In alphabetical order, they are as follows:

!BIKE This flag blocks the travel of motorbikes through the room.

!DROP Prevents dropping anything here. Don't set unless Lucien/Vile tells you to.

!GRID This flag blocks gridguide from, to, and through this room. You can place it between locations to separate them into their own grid networks, or you can place it throughout a location to disable the gridguide network in that area.

!MAGIC Prevents casting spells in this room. This is a legacy flag that should no longer be set. Instead, use higher background counts to make magic more difficult in a room.

!MOB This flag blocks NPCs from entering the room of their own volition. They can still be dragged etc, and can be baited into or through the room by gunfire.

!QUIT This flag blocks players from quitting in the room. Don't set this without express permission from the game owner or head builder (Lucien/Vile).

!RADIO This flag causes radio transmissions in the area to become spotty and difficult to understand. Typically used in the OU and other underground spaces.

!TRAFFIC This flag blocks the display of traffic environmental messages. Only useful in conjunction with the road flag, as the MUD will only try to display traffic to outdoor roads. Great for driveways and access roads where you wouldn't expect to see city traffic.

!WALK This flag marks the room as being on a highway, preventing on-foot players from walking through it outside of special circumstances.

AIRCRAFT_CRASH_OK Aircraft crashing during flight can end up here. Don't set this outside of the contiguous Sprawl (Seattle, Tacoma, etc), because it would be very strange to be puddle-jumping between buildings in Seattle and somehow crash in the Caribbean etc.

AIRCRAFT_ROAD Aircraft can taxi through here.

ALL_VEH_ACCESS ANY vehicle can enter this room. Used only for marinas where players expect to drive to the water's edge and unhitch their watercraft from their trucks.

ARENA This allows players to fight in this room regardless of PK status.

FALL This flag causes players to fall through the down exit in the room. The room's fall rating (the 'm' field that shows up if falling is enabled) is the TN for the athletics check to stop yourself from falling.

GARAGE This room allows the storage of vehicles over crash / copyover. Workshops may be unpacked here. This flag implicitly sets the flags !GRID and ROAD.

HELIPAD Marks this room as a place that helicopters and blimps can fly to. Don't set without Lucien/Wither's explicit instructions.

INDOORS This flag blocks traffic and weather effects in the room.

PEACEFUL This flag prevents aggression within a room and also prevents attacks being directed into the room from elsewhere. Don't set this unless Lucien/Vile tells you to.

RADIOACTIVE Causes radiation damage (not yet implemented). Don't set.

ROAD This flag allows cars and trucks to travel through the room.

RUNWAY Allows planes to fly to here. Don't set without Lucien/Vile's permission.

SMALL_DRONE_ONLY Characters can't enter, only small drones. Not terribly useful right now (2024-06), but as we implement more code for drone manipulations etc this will become more useful.

SOCIALIZE! This makes a room a social room, displaying characters on the WHERE list. Characters roleplaying in this room will earn a social bonus.

  • You must indicate in the room name where it is (e.g. not At the Bar but rather At The Skeleton's Bar)
  • Room must be readily accessible to the public so that folks can head there to join scenes in progress.
  • Don't put it on the path to/from a farming area, otherwise people walking through to farm will disrupt the scene.
  • Mark it with !MOB where reasonable to reduce mob movement spam.

SOUNDPROOF This flag entirely blocks shouting and radio usage within the room. It also muffles gunshots. Use sparingly.

STAFF_ONLY Prevents non-staff characters from entering the room. Don't set.

STERILE Enhances medical effects and makes surgery easier. Only set on surgical clinics etc that are plausibly sterile in the room desc (no "sterile" back-alley chop shops with rats running along the floor, etc).

STORAGE This flag causes items dropped within the room to save over MUD interruptions (copyovers, crashes, reboots). Don't set it unless Lucien/Vile tells you to.

STREETLIGHTS Causes streetlights to turn on at night, which prevent the room from becoming dark.

TUNNEL This flag makes it so that only two characters / NPCs can be in the room at a time. This can make the area impassible if NPCs pack into it, so you may want to combine it with !MOB.

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