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Zone Editing

luciensadi edited this page Jun 19, 2024 · 4 revisions

Zone Editing

All content in Awake is categorized into 'zones', which represent in-game locations. For instance, Aztechnology Pyramid has its own zone (zone number 74), and the Ork Underground is located in zone 99.

Zones allow the builder to specify the zone's reset behavior (what respawns/changes and when), its security level (how vigilant the guards and Lone Star are), and the ID numbers of the editors who are allowed to work on the zone. It also allows you to specify certain other traits that will be described below, including Jurisdiction and Connected status.

In order to modify a zone, you must first switch to it with ZSWITCH <zone number>. To locate a zone's number, you may use SHOW ZONES to list the existing zones. If you want to make a new zone, you can do so by looking for zones that do not already exist in SHOW ZONES and then using ZSWITCH to switch to the zone number you wish to create.

Once you've switched to the zone number you wish to create or modify, use the ZEDIT command to edit the zone. It will ask if you wish to create or edit the zone; 'yes' is almost always the correct answer here.

Here is an example zedit menu for the Aztechnology Pyramid:

Zone: 74
1) Name: Aztechnology Pyramid
2) Top of zone: 7699
3) Lifespan: 10
4) Reset mode: Always reset
5) Security level (1-15): 10
6) Jurisdiction: Seattle
7) Editors: Lucien (1)
8) Connected: 1
9) Is PGHQ: no
L) Secret Squirrel (Inaccessible to Non-Editors): FALSE
q) Quit
Enter selection:
  1. This sets the internal name of the zone. This is not displayed to players.
  2. This sets the highest vnum that the zone covers. The zone always starts at (zone number * 100), so Aztech Pyramid starts at vnum 7400 and goes to 7699, granting it 300 vnums of each type to work with. Note that this means that zones 75 and 76 cannot be created, as they would overlap with Aztech's vnums.
  3. This sets the lifespan of the zone in IRL minutes. As such, Aztech resets every 10 minutes.
  4. This sets the logic for zone resetting. You may select 'Don't reset' or 'Always reset' (self-explanatory), or you may select 'Reset only if no PCs are in the zone', which causes it to wait until it's empty of active player characters to reset. Idle PCs don't block resets.
  5. This sets the sensitivity of the guards; higher is more sensitive.
  6. This sets the jurisdiction, which is used to specify where corpses and vehicles go on expiration (there are per-jurisdiction Docwagon rooms and parking garages).
  7. This specifies the ID numbers of the low-privileged builders who are allowed to edit this zone. You must enter a list of exactly five numbers separated by spaces, with zeroes for blanks, like 123 88 0 0 0.
  8. This specifies whether the zone is connected to the game world or not. Connected zones require higher privileges to edit; think of this like a safety bit to prevent low-privileged builders from altering the live game world.
  9. This toggles to indicate if a zone belongs to a player group.

L) This locks the zone entirely so that non-editors can't see it. Used for secret projects and expansions that shouldn't be leaked ahead of time.

Zones also allow you to specify zone commands, which are the mechanism that lets you specify the reset behavior of the zone.

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