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To Do List

UndeadNappist edited this page Aug 1, 2021 · 5 revisions

In order of importance

  • Handle any game-crashing or game-ending bugs that crop up.
  • Handle player dissent and newbie influx.
  • Improve gameflow
    • Adjusting systems to make them give better feedback, clarity, and improve helpfiles accordingly
      • When a player succeeds or fails particularly well, they should /know/.
      • Helpfiles should provide information pertinent to players new to Shadowrun who intend to play the MUD.
    • Make enemies/jobs scale appropriately with difficulty/reward.
      • Mostly finished.
    • Alter mechanics to more suit the MUD, regardless of canon or not.
      • Scale weapon cost and rarity based on power, and not the arbitrary costs in the rulebooks.
      • Give rare weapons/objectively worse weapons their own unique usable advantages (as opposed to just buffing / nerfing everything to be the same - see swords versus polearms, SMGs versus ARs, lasers versus literally anything, etc. Good reference examples: clubs, machine guns)
    • Bringing mobs/mechanics/players more in line with canon in general.
  • Modify and add new areas/zones.
    • Complete clearly unfinished zones or bring them up to standard practice.
      • A lot of canon items just have a description of what the item is, but not what they look like (centurion combat axes, vehicles, etc.)
      • Some of them have items/mobs that clearly should be linked to quests or areas, but just aren't (brementon is bad about this).
  • Add more content
  • Add more money sinks to the game (usually but not always by giving players cool stuff to buy)

List is probably incomplete.

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