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2021 12 12 (Sunday) Deployment

Mike Marcotte edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 4 revisions

General Notes

This deployment mainly consists of the latest batch of work from Flexion. See the stories below.


Feature Stories



  • 16:34 - Created the Pull Request

  • 17:19 - Run script to setup boolean values in prod deploy table

  • 17:19 - Adjust Route53 records

  • 17:21 - Ensure external-order-search-enabled flag is false (SOON!)

  • 17:22 - Ensure ES and DynamoDB tables are ready for a Migration;

    • efcms-prod-alpha tables deleted east and west
    • efcms-search-prod-alpha deleted
    • confirmed source-table-version is alpha
  • 17:22 - Tests pass

  • 17:22 - Merged the PR CircleCI Build

  • 17:33 - Tests pass; deploy step starts

  • 18:04 - Deploy step completes

  • 18:09 - Migration starts. 🤞

  • 19:08 - Migration completes successfully

  • 22:44 - Reindexing appears to be complete! 100%

    ## prod Index Summary
    │ (index) │       indexName       │ countAlpha │ countBeta │ diff │
    │    0    │     'efcms-case'      │  1010251   │  1010251  │  0   │
    │    1    │ 'efcms-case-deadline' │   10004    │   10004   │  0   │
    │    2    │ 'efcms-docket-entry'  │  9282242   │  9282242  │  0   │
    │    3    │    'efcms-message'    │   228371   │  228371   │  0   │
    │    4    │     'efcms-user'      │   162208   │  162208   │  0   │
    │    5    │   'efcms-work-item'   │   644250   │  644250   │  0   │
  • 22:48 - Readonly Smoketests pass

  • 22:50 - Switching colors

  • 22:53 - Ensure external-order-search-enabled flag is true (yay!)

  • 22:53 - Verify Order search is working

  • 22:54 - Disable green api mappings api and public-api, east and west.

Order search is live!

heck ya gif

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