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2022 02 26 (Saturday) Deployment

jimlerza edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

General Notes

This deployment mainly consists of the latest batch of work from Flexion. See the stories below.

Feature Stories



  • 11:34 - Created the Pull Request
  • 11:42 - Tests pass
  • 17:50 - Merged the PR CircleCI Build
  • 17:58 - Tests pass; deploy step starts
  • 17:58 - Deploy step fails initially
  • 18:19 - Deleted empty efcms-search-prod-alpha ES cluster
  • 18:20 - Deploy step starts
  • 18:51 - Deploy step completes
  • 18:51 - Migration starts. 🤞
  • 19:47 - Migration completes successfully
  • 22:19 - Re-indexing is far ahead of schedule (95.36%)
  • 22:30 - Manually disabled the 'check status of re-index' cron job to prevent the color switch from happening before the scheduled time
  • 22:44 - Re-indexing appears to be nearly complete (99.99%)
    ## prod Index Summary
    │ (index) │       indexName       │ countAlpha │ countBeta │ diff │
    │    0    │     'efcms-case'      │  1017681   │  1017681  │  0   │
    │    1    │ 'efcms-case-deadline' │   10633    │   10638   │  5   │
    │    2    │ 'efcms-docket-entry'  │  9376274   │  9376274  │  0   │
    │    3    │    'efcms-message'    │   281225   │  281225   │  0   │
    │    4    │     'efcms-user'      │   165444   │  165444   │  0   │
    │    5    │   'efcms-work-item'   │   810408   │  810408   │  0   │
  • 23:55 - Manually approved the wait-for-reindex step in CircleCI
  • 23:58 - Readonly Smoketests pass
  • 00:01 - Switching colors
  • 00:06 - Disable blue api mappings api and public-api, east and west
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