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2021 12 19 (Sunday) Deployment

jimlerza edited this page Dec 20, 2021 · 14 revisions

General Notes

This deployment mainly consists of the latest batch of work from Flexion. See the stories below.


Feature Stories



  • 21:45 - Created the Pull Request
  • 21:48 - Ran script to setup boolean values in prod deploy table
  • 21:49 - Ensure external-opinion-search-enabled flag is false (SOON!)
  • 22:02 - Tests pass
  • 22:08 - Merged the PR CircleCI Build
  • 22:18 - Tests pass; deploy step starts
  • 22:36 - Deploy step fails
  • 22:39 - Failing step manually mitigated, deploy re-started from failed step
  • 22:54 - Deploy step completes
  • 23:02 - Readonly Smoketests pass
  • 23:05 - Switched colors
  • 23:26 - Noticed data in the efcms-prod-beta dynamodb table before manual deletion, will review with the team on Monday, December 20, 2021
  • 23:41 - Disable blue api mappings api and public-api, east and west
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