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Releases: zeitgeistpm/zeitgeist


16 Apr 09:26
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Release Notes

This is a runtime release.


  • Hybrid Router
  • Code improvements

Hybrid Router
This release features a new system called Hybrid Router. The Hybrid Router will execute orders against the orderbook and the amm based on the parameters provided, thus providing the traders with the possibility to achieve best prices by combining both trading mechanisms. Should orders not be able to be filled until the maximum acceptable price, the trader can determine whether an order should be placed on the orderbook. This feature should significantly improve the overall trading experience.

Code improvements
Dead code has been removed, tests have been extended and improved for the prediction markets pallet and overall stability and flexibility was increased by providing a better market build mechanism and improving the CI. Lastly, the ResolveOrigin is not able to report the outcome of a market anymore.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 55
transaction_version: 29

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.554 MB (1,629,796 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.79%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-55 (zeitgeist-1.tx29.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x87d3c81f7653972467623b0e166df92c8b441a404c099b374bf951a4e2c47570
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0xbece429f95e7453aef0a9fa6b39f2e816b974bbe7b8dce353dfa375b8c89e857
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0xcc85c1d20cba1f4f65c0069327f04861b27a74dee9fabcd84d9764d91ee240a9
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.5.2 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2024-04-16T08:54:13Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-55 (zeitgeist-1.tx29.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 6.42 MB (6733272 bytes) setCode : 0x47f4bd033862a3ad9b073a9e31ddfc6480cf9b9403af2167a3e76cde030b93f2 authorizeUpgrade : 0x61d30735590454efa2ae2a822db72b3424f8e568a4e9be3cb4c0a203cf538464 IPFS : QmWcm1r795mXDKkLQCMwGBJcNxW54Lu2YS26NHat96usLN BLAKE2_256 : 0x8516a554847bb53d99fdbb34fc4b9241cbdd1ba5c371fe08c839dfcc8207d39a Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-55 (zeitgeist-1.tx29.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.55 MB (1629796 bytes) Compression : 75.8% setCode : 0xcf4f1ecc23b2c652769bf29a2b31b8ef059b004a81baa5be99192c539887d72d authorizeUpgrade : 0x8fa87c1a7815b35f9c683368fe4bd5e0210a38b6f6d93fdc5291c1413db02fdf IPFS : QmfHtrkffrexzTr4udQLMbANkoMHeXZHv8K48PTuDuW8Hk BLAKE2_256 : 0xcc85c1d20cba1f4f65c0069327f04861b27a74dee9fabcd84d9764d91ee240a9 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 55
transaction_version: 29

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.549 MB (1,624,121 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.75%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-55 (zeitgeist-1.tx29.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0xa2fe41d315a6b6a04ffa5993ad7b9da708ce0c7d7b2e830e6b88508fe4c7a15c
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0xd3d7816769991385737c2bacd281dca58a6b3e1b4045379f5282269bb8bcc5a8
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x5a0726429538392a233d351f8a5835311f8cec46b448428a29335dc1de27641b
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.5.2 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2024-04-16T09:02:49Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-55 (zeitgeist-1.tx29.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 6.39 MB (6697931 bytes) setCode : 0x2cf782cdaed850ac8445ab1ed0819ba52fd60ba9024eb8caa004239deb5365ff authorizeUpgrade : 0x4b12490c79ee83318eea29458a579addeb490a55ad03e32de95f5c618aab8c9e IPFS : QmQ2EydL3jrGzYjiHboa5ydXJcMSDiFRnRRzRVkkNuLQcu BLAKE2_256 : 0xa853d322a4fcaa71778e9b7952650e3f396bc7b72a4a981dac12bb845727e684 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-55 (zeitgeist-1.tx29.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.55 MB (1624121 bytes) Compression : 75.76% setCode : 0x02ea1add92af4d1717e76a8c4d466d361265865f7951570b1f8532e92ce69b54 authorizeUpgrade : 0xa9d1298988025671d49ac5a3fdcf2192a2dcc447d94b02dc091bdb8adf5b1199 IPFS : QmVfehaCpKA8uaQ8earRzvqTZg4sfU8kPgUzmxoFsTtm3X BLAKE2_256 : 0x5a0726429538392a233d351f8a5835311f8cec46b448428a29335dc1de27641b Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Update weights (#1317)
  • Update versions to v0.5.2 (#1316)
  • Remove ZeitgeistAssetManager trait (#1311)
  • Add ID to Market struct (#1310)
  • Allow to run intergation test workflow on tag pushes (#1308)
  • Implement Hybrid Router (#1307)
  • Remove unused DealWithCampaignFees struct (#1305)
  • Fix invalid reference to asset system PR (#1304)
  • Merge release v0.5.1 into main (#1303)
  • Remove old migrations (#1301)
  • Don't require copyright CI when merging into feature branch (#1300)
  • No longer allow ResolveOrigin to report a market (#1266)
  • Fix prediction-markets tests, I (#1265)
  • Migration: Add Market ID to Market (#1257)
  • Migrate neo-swaps pools to bounded storage (#1253)


04 Apr 12:39
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Release Notes

Upgrade Priority: Low (upgrade at your own convenience)


  • New Asset System
  • New e2e Test System
  • Code Improvements

New Asset System
The new asset system provides numerous improvements and new features, such as new asset types like custom and campaign assets, which can be created by users and governance/council respectively. The latter can be used to pay fees and trade in markets, providing greater flexibility and a lower entry barrier when launching campaigns. Those asset types provide means of management.
In addition to that, managed asset creation and destruction is executed for market assets, keeping the chain storage small and tidy.
Asset types are now more expressive by limiting the options based on the context, e.g. only assets that can be transferred via XCM can be selected for reserve asset transfers. The full scope can be inspected in PR #1295.

New e2e Test System
Whenever a release is prepared, automated tests now pull production chain data and simulate a runtime upgrade to ensure that the runtime upgrade succeeds, that blocks can be produced and that extrinsics can be executed, effectively reducing the probability of accidentally stalling the chain during those sensitive operations.

Code Improvements
Numerous improvements in CI have been implemented to ensure a reliable execution and assert high code quality. In addition to that, proxy types have been updated, weight calculations have been improved to provide more accurate transaction fees, unsafe operations are handled better in many occasions, unreachable code is tested in some instances now, the code has been cleaned up and it's structure has been improved.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 54
transaction_version: 28

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.537 MB (1,611,607 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.95%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-54 (zeitgeist-1.tx28.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x41698289535c6c460c8e342ececead5003fee33ea8ff71b6fc7283a6ea9cb14f
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x43f0db69c576f8f82c6d42923a4610a190b3ceba71ef2217ab0c0e0c86fa3827
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x0174a4182884a9e19e2191a6b3d29f695c5576e0743cc0cd4d68ece146e1ca32
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.5.1 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2024-04-03T14:25:07Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-54 (zeitgeist-1.tx28.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 6.39 MB (6701095 bytes) setCode : 0x41af2ca467704976a7e6b8af53667cc5f66790aab97264b7cdfbdb94840eed1c authorizeUpgrade : 0xa5a191bf55b9017d5038e0c8904a7acbfba34b2bd7899cebcb541b6ee6eb5d7a IPFS : QmYNzjQ9JxWZgouNsuaL8KducpmGxJs2iYaQoS28LCvuwE BLAKE2_256 : 0x26e9368b92be6dcf4eb9c7c029449381ad91267a30bd5d3b95df958d974b5438 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-54 (zeitgeist-1.tx28.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.54 MB (1611607 bytes) Compression : 75.96% setCode : 0xa9713ffd1b7063937c076e455a9d71df26dc2e1b67256809e0578543b493230a authorizeUpgrade : 0xe89148ef090f88f62f3077d094e878cc39b0b1f1d55258c2d930d2d56fe8eaf4 IPFS : QmX6YfVNLuMM159CMbFtbVBvm8wLd6qCDwvvvbUEJf9M3D BLAKE2_256 : 0x0174a4182884a9e19e2191a6b3d29f695c5576e0743cc0cd4d68ece146e1ca32 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 54
transaction_version: 28

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.532 MB (1,606,220 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.90%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-54 (zeitgeist-1.tx28.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x9b02c988ea2a57c801e66084b28e98931a0a120d54ebf207ac7d21d818526093
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x51cd28417bb070f842a6a2d4f9be02d4539194db8067c0e21cacd11869f56957
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x91eb35d5f3fac0c51f6f23b398d9ec0580bbb7c72df5e922a1528897a3a9567d
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.5.1 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2024-04-03T14:33:38Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-54 (zeitgeist-1.tx28.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 6.36 MB (6665805 bytes) setCode : 0xededd3c65572627c7828c6a735ed4634eaf23cde6139cd98edf59e168d92c63e authorizeUpgrade : 0xc3791dfc5b00dc09e73b92a175d2e16b5ca9f20b663186f445a5c319446efbc7 IPFS : QmZ1cEgP96VgCotpqtxb7GbnW6DUhqzcccG9543SciJipJ BLAKE2_256 : 0x8b4a095a13551c107a04b964fbcc5307abe465a620e406fc7dad781a7b3743fb Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-54 (zeitgeist-1.tx28.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.53 MB (1606220 bytes) Compression : 75.91% setCode : 0x0546b97d1b3b5e9abd4cfb2cbdf7846db9cfa459b833be1b5fa039c30c917c4d authorizeUpgrade : 0xd886027791c3f33763a26a520f88acc5fa5b2bee7c6a7c2431d5924526ce89a3 IPFS : QmNjh2tKx6mEeEaefT7YVdpxA2YzLiUxFSAdjMS4sAJxrH BLAKE2_256 : 0x91eb35d5f3fac0c51f6f23b398d9ec0580bbb7c72df5e922a1528897a3a9567d Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Update weights (#1299)
  • Update versions to v0.5.1 (#1298)
  • Fix crash due to wasm instance size limit (#1296)
  • New Asset System (#1295)
  • Update Codeowners (#1286)
  • Add previous stake information after rejoin (#1285)
  • Use GitHub action to free up space (#1271)
  • Remove unused dependencies (#1270)
  • Update toolchain to fix codecov and fuzz errors (#1269)
  • License checker: Replace incorrect push with append (#1268)
  • Bring README up to date (#1264)
  • Only run copyright CI when merging into main (#1263)
  • Merge release v0.5.0 into main (#1262)
  • Update proxy types (#1259)
  • Refactor swaps (#1255)
  • Remove unchecked modulo operations from production (#1254)
  • Adjust style guide (loops) and add unreachable macro (#1252)
  • Use Balance instead of u128 as type for Balancer weights (#1251)
  • Fix neo-swaps doc strings (#1250)
  • Add market ID to Market struct (#1248)
  • Fix Rust and Discord badge (#1247)
  • Improve fee payment management (#1246)
  • Avoid mergify dequeue (#1245)
  • Set in-progress when need and rerun CI in merge queue (#1244)
  • Utilize Merigify's Merge Queue (#1243)
  • Reorganize prediction-market tests (#1242)
  • Remove migrations and dead code (#1241)
  • Extend neo-swaps tests and clean up (#1238)
  • Implement and test bmul_bdiv_*; use in zrml-orderbook and zrml-parimutuel (#1223)
  • Add moonwall integration tests (#1194)
  • Integrate Moonwall (#1192)


18 Jan 17:10
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Release Notes

This is a runtime release.


  • AMM 2.0
  • Court and Global Disputes on mainnet
  • Trusted Markets
  • Orderbook improvements

AMM 2.0
Zeitgeist's unique automated market maker is complete in it's first version and ready for production. It provides all the features of the previous market maker (CPMM), but in addition to that is much more liquidity efficient, optimized, modular, extensible and future-proof with regards to Combinatorial Markets and Futarchy.

Court and Global Disputes on mainnet
After extensive testing, Court and Global Disputes are now production ready and are enabled on mainnet.

Trusted Markets
Trusted Markets offer the market creator to create a fast-paced market, that immediately resolves after the oracle reported the outcome.

Orderbook improvements
The Orderbook considers market creator fees now. In addition to that, code quality and stability as well as UX have been improved.

Besides the above, multiple calls into prediction market related pallets have been enabled for smart contracts on Battery Station. A bug that lead to incorrect XCM fee amounts and a bug that potentially could lead to a chain stall in exceptional cases were fixed. Admin functions (previously only callable by governance) have been disabled on mainnet. Many code and UX improvements lead to a more robust and clean design as well as a better experience in regards to interacting with the pallets.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 53
transaction_version: 27

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.452 MB (1,522,693 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.39%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-53 (zeitgeist-1.tx27.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0xf0c6d60dd01a61718c1f8d2315b8d65544a69b4eafcef4e24708c30e2685ab8e
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0xa13b0dd696ed3199f4f78100600be09e57e1f5ecd92ab1db2c5513773ed36eb0
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x18fb9003bec4717bc19c7c97ce2613836b3e899c76c78aac580be57c7e384eff
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.5.0 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2024-01-18T15:39:31Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-53 (zeitgeist-1.tx27.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 5.90 MB (6187781 bytes) setCode : 0xbbaeeb320d0a598e2b1393e6105ce467a2b960f8ec25b711ec66e406cd9a23b2 authorizeUpgrade : 0xb1974f54eb96a204e5faab2ed14ed74b0f54a02b7c8319dd11680b21be8fb207 IPFS : QmWdukMS2bbhNWZF9SDqnNq7w6ojq4MNMWcoVhPtFgb45h BLAKE2_256 : 0x93cdc145be3276a32cabfbeb46bf62e826e9955a549ff1108c0cae8430aa2209 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-53 (zeitgeist-1.tx27.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.45 MB (1522693 bytes) Compression : 75.4% setCode : 0x3115b53a8c936821b8f720cf29fef4453854376998444c59ca221d4497e5a282 authorizeUpgrade : 0x4bddd70cf591b1565c2ea78c4dc42eb172ac47c6c276d9313a7c7214b6228920 IPFS : QmfA6vd3jyHT96NWZ1ohkqqmegbZyaDAbdeXtwA4UcR6FV BLAKE2_256 : 0x18fb9003bec4717bc19c7c97ce2613836b3e899c76c78aac580be57c7e384eff Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 53
transaction_version: 27

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.443 MB (1,513,213 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.41%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-53 (zeitgeist-1.tx27.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x5ec477d6327174d9d5cc3f3e873b6a06c9fed0ea44b0500382fd2e6e4320f5b7
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x6dc027fd64e0163b393416dbddff6f56542f8b1936874dc33cf840d5446da586
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0xea7171a63655911fda3b499c7a0706d860aaac0c4f57d502deb489784d3c9d9c
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.5.0 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2024-01-18T15:45:39Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-53 (zeitgeist-1.tx27.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 5.87 MB (6152527 bytes) setCode : 0x2b8642e1cbaaea5108791a0a21706ec5c690a62f1bf182342c8d35ba29e763b1 authorizeUpgrade : 0x72a88aeeaf1cf912064cde97b97c2bee57af357efafb2519972a953c3b81d72a IPFS : QmbpkiCpFA8AxMWcZ9FXEPcbgG1hHf4QNKhFCEbaX5Y3QA BLAKE2_256 : 0x383ba946c324c5d7aee1f4521421c16fb0e8d9dad0476597537e4858305ca56c Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-53 (zeitgeist-1.tx27.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.44 MB (1513213 bytes) Compression : 75.41% setCode : 0xb25c58ba7730c0f1c15672d4556353894dacb48698da6f6d903bcf7cf9b68d7d authorizeUpgrade : 0x57927132689fb2e60018c82809854f812e5d42d9c507d6ac85493f448f828798 IPFS : QmZgYpBeAMt6DJoRtyauXvttpsPJjtXb5NMgLiX5Tg2rVc BLAKE2_256 : 0xea7171a63655911fda3b499c7a0706d860aaac0c4f57d502deb489784d3c9d9c Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Implement force_pool_exit and disable other zrml-swaps functions (#1235)
  • Set inflation to more than zero for a full benchmark of handle_inflation (#1234)
  • Reduce benchmark runs of Zeitgeist pallets (#1233)
  • Update weights (#1232)
  • Update style guide to streamline reviews (#1228)
  • Update versions (#1227)
  • Remove court and global disputes from call filter for the main-net (#1226)
  • Improve XCM fee handling (#1225)
  • Merge release v0.4.3 (#1211)
  • Add env_logger and add force-debug feature (#1205)
  • Sunset old AMMs and their pools (#1197)
  • Inflate defensively (#1195)
  • Ensure MinBetSize after fee (#1193)
  • Fix failing court benchmark (#1191)
  • Filter admin functions for main-net (#1190)
  • Add debug assertions for slashes and reserves (#1188)
  • Add some verify checks to court (#1187)
  • Bypass battery stations contracts call filter for court, parimutuel, order book markets (#1185)
  • Implement trusted market close (#1184)
  • Maintain order book (#1183)
  • Modify court events for indexer (#1182)
  • Remove migrations (#1180)
  • Implement Liquidity Tree (#1178)
  • New asset system - Separate asset types and add pallet-assets instances to runtime (#1177)
  • Implement AMM 2.0 (#1173)
  • Reduce market_status_manager aka on_initialize iterations (#1160)
  • Replace fixed math operations with traited versions (#1149)


21 Dec 15:53
Choose a tag to compare

Release Notes

This release contains a hotfix of a bug in the exponential function.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 52
transaction_version: 26

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.489 MB (1,561,677 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.26%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-52 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x20b22d7aff4884d922c4e7135dd87794358851ad50841ffd03d30d0f815bb419
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0xd70d161606fe2374dc3789c3c89f36e2b86a118a2b62eac41de241593ccaf374
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x13e79666d2c37653272fdc21be32ce03a598d80ae6781db7aa0eabef6d069253
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.4.3 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-12-21T10:44:43Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-52 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 6.02 MB (6311149 bytes) setCode : 0x49e02c8b7ff58944e7b4d2625ddf39128cd821bd347230675c4e9959a7c30b05 authorizeUpgrade : 0xde53244c750e131b7dd8e62acd82d7c1ec3423e392b406b3d054e305a4a00f02 IPFS : QmayAbQKZeMZAgmMBXmJZDDPG5AttyniPpTjXg6JjRq1P8 BLAKE2_256 : 0x03c832453965182e9bd752f3684f7f01d471e651f4022ce5ee813d603ba76645 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-52 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.49 MB (1561677 bytes) Compression : 75.26% setCode : 0x30e6ea90261edd3ea18876800467714be53bcd9e79b726a5a9513067b8c4f4f0 authorizeUpgrade : 0x99238a12fc9925cfca266d7f3c0163f974665e125e6a1396368e022ed52bf47b IPFS : Qmd9dXtbFBcMuBWdcq3JP6Ruartyor5pX4142YQiUDJm4g BLAKE2_256 : 0x13e79666d2c37653272fdc21be32ce03a598d80ae6781db7aa0eabef6d069253 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 52
transaction_version: 26

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.480 MB (1,552,386 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.27%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-52 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x901f27326b601d636c3e031baf04691f1da708b89f6708b872dae97a4d046186
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x70d5d571bc29971e897c2a1e36865b316c2524f8a5a78167a7b20b76a3254f06
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x4efe37b02fa388810a62fe13608d30f6b17f750a216314f81a2e7f58c3f18245
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.4.3 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-12-21T10:32:08Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-52 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 5.99 MB (6276689 bytes) setCode : 0x65b0be923517567cf5d575a4ed37bdf053cf287e2beaf06263c9732fa87c9d13 authorizeUpgrade : 0x39a6eb51d71f2833603340ff5323469c28f64529c0e62a35665619133ae6d9c1 IPFS : QmVTWcshX8XT6LN6wvxxbDwcX7NBcyjdpacZzmMjb5woec BLAKE2_256 : 0xecccbfc7ff5f4690093274741ce1731c5a9cdd98d9c47b74a3ffb4ec3985910e Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-52 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.48 MB (1552386 bytes) Compression : 75.27% setCode : 0x89be1ac8cf0df2eed283c46e32992654fd59489f51fb304cc36fd2923fde8f23 authorizeUpgrade : 0x9d3513ee59fe2055c9d10dd86ccb937b35450baca73f396b01fad2d449a6cc20 IPFS : QmYVnUNfPPvvKVbxswb7imsLfJS4S8gJR7UtFaZUxYfT6M BLAKE2_256 : 0x4efe37b02fa388810a62fe13608d30f6b17f750a216314f81a2e7f58c3f18245 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


30 Oct 13:47
Choose a tag to compare

Release Notes

Upgrade Priority: Low (upgrade at your own convenience)


  • Parimutuel Markets
  • Close markets early

Parimutuel Markets
Parimutuel markets are a very simple mechanism to exchange information for a potential reward. For one unit of the base asset of the market (such as ZTG), the informant/trader receives one unit of a reward share for the specific outcome that the trader obtained. Once the market is closed, the winning outcome share holders share the complete reward pool amongst them.

Close markets early
The protocol now provides the ability to close a market earlier than defined during market creation. The market creator can request an earlier closure, which can be disputed by anyone and rejected by a configurable special origin (currently the Advisory Committee).

In addition to those features, plenty of smaller bug fixes and enhancements have been added.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 51
transaction_version: 26

🏋️ Runtime size:		1.492 MB (1,564,538 bytes)
🗜 Compressed:			Yes, 75.25%
✨ Reserved meta:		OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
🔥 Core version:		zeitgeist-51 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:		0xeb2b3b54ee172e011e8ca9cc0e8e67c34c5e1006e8151ac9e2efa4e1f3bfdf12
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xa2362ae47e058835bbcfc51b4ede9f782348c757b0d32d23be21fe09aa79417c
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:		0x5472430f9276857f6491dd2365d2980316e70dd3b82f33bf5e2fcf14e6a45965

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.4.2 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-10-27T09:13:02Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-51 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 6.03 MB (6322225 bytes) setCode : 0x020b740e95e0a247761478feda901a7af87fe2f79e446d100e2399f52b001437 authorizeUpgrade : 0xbb0bdee8c489e33a4adbe5b790e20d069763440cbfb76e8d60f5ceb82a51aac0 IPFS : Qmb9g2bjynAS8QvXUbHFLXTsUL8W4mkE8qD5v5MB6sdMcH BLAKE2_256 : 0xc543569423eb41200fe64b2d9f4a0b10e16d5cbb4b8bd05e4a18cd330d9a63e3 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-51 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.49 MB (1564538 bytes) Compression : 75.26% setCode : 0xeb2b3b54ee172e011e8ca9cc0e8e67c34c5e1006e8151ac9e2efa4e1f3bfdf12 authorizeUpgrade : 0xa2362ae47e058835bbcfc51b4ede9f782348c757b0d32d23be21fe09aa79417c IPFS : QmXAEvEjH2Pr9BVLk1ALKayQxwsiAD7gDXm9hZgFXLqWr8 BLAKE2_256 : 0x5472430f9276857f6491dd2365d2980316e70dd3b82f33bf5e2fcf14e6a45965 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 51
transaction_version: 26

🏋️ Runtime size:		1.483 MB (1,555,120 bytes)
🗜 Compressed:			Yes, 75.26%
✨ Reserved meta:		OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
🔥 Core version:		zeitgeist-51 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:		0x17eda730c1aa11aef949f908980391cfb50ca85282b2bbdf82eee4601279b293
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x46eff9d2232512903b18870134f4ba69e340caa65f6d228ad8d6e8366177ece4
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:		0x99933dcba0bc15cf73afa5a40884355d8c343535371c83670bbb15f7ad8c4ec5

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.4.2 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-10-27T09:22:25Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-51 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 6.00 MB (6286319 bytes) setCode : 0x2ad00206669a868e76125cbfda7f67ce649e77320b8c0ddee906eae3b771bc61 authorizeUpgrade : 0x9107974922b3b28358e2181766d1a8f099ac7abc36cde2497ee49c708cd85a3f IPFS : Qmc98KJQvvoL35kFosNYLFf25eENiRM5FvPevEtzEtqGnz BLAKE2_256 : 0x4b793893459825442ce6efd3acce8e6c9d140ffd74a9a573c29a59e37e386817 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-51 (zeitgeist-1.tx26.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.48 MB (1555120 bytes) Compression : 75.27% setCode : 0x17eda730c1aa11aef949f908980391cfb50ca85282b2bbdf82eee4601279b293 authorizeUpgrade : 0x46eff9d2232512903b18870134f4ba69e340caa65f6d228ad8d6e8366177ece4 IPFS : QmRNwfcwxx2chusuA1egwMPqFsdpmyTipoPHD4Q3oNtnTj BLAKE2_256 : 0x99933dcba0bc15cf73afa5a40884355d8c343535371c83670bbb15f7ad8c4ec5 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Extend benchmark list (#1170)
  • Add updated weights from reference machine (#1169)
  • Update versions (#1168)
  • Emit court opened event (#1165)
  • Update neo-swaps events (#1163)
  • Add log targets to runtime pallets (#1159)
  • Fix build (#1157)
  • Fix market creator paying fees to himself (#1156)
  • Prepend market_id to MarketCreatorFee* events (#1155)
  • Improve durability of fixed point conversion function (#1151)
  • Integrate zombienet configuration to start parachain node (#1150)
  • Add disputant to market dispute event (#1148)
  • Include system remarks to help testing process (#1147)
  • Remove admin_destroy_market (#1145)
  • Allow selling complete sets regardless of market status (#1144)
  • Implement Parimutuel markets (#1138)
  • Restructure to unambiguous BalanceOf (#1137)
  • Implement close markets early feature (#1127)


16 Oct 17:03
Choose a tag to compare

Release Notes

Upgrade Priority: Medium (timely upgrade recommended)


  • Implement Automated Market Maker (AMM) 2.0 Lite
  • Implement Orderbook Lite
  • Implement Trusted Markets
  • Update dependencies to polkadot-v0.9.38

Implement AMM 2.0 Lite
While the current AMM has proven to be highly stable and functional, we’ve also noticed that it is inefficient and incapable of serving the complete spectrum of prediction market applications.
With this in mind, AMM 2.0 “lite” has been designed as a first step in improving the algorithmic trading mechanism to be more efficient with liquidity, extendable and capable to serve advanced prediction markets such as combinatorial markets.
AMM 2.0 Lite provides a partial implementation of an internally researched pool-based variant of the LMSR AMM, which enables the utilization of LMSR’s elegant and efficient algorithm for binary (two category) markets.

Implement Orderbook Lite
Order books are a well known structure to balance supply and demand. This release allows the creation of markets which use an orderbook as the method of exchanging outcome tokens.

Implement Trusted Markets
It is sometimes necessary to quickly host and resolve a market. In order to serve this purpose; Trusted Markets grant the oracle the privilege to be the only entity to report the final outcome. In addition to this, the market immediately resolves after the report.

Update dependencies to polkadot-v0.9.38
The most prominent features of polkadot-v0.9.38 are the transition to a more precise weight system called "WeightsV2", and the next iteration of the Cross-Chain Message (XCM) format "XCMv3".
WeightsV2 better estimates the resources required on the blockchain, which is used to calculate execution fees amongst other benefits.
XCMv3 also provides a multitude of new and exciting features like support for external ecosystems (like Ethereum), programmability and remote asset locking.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 50
transaction_version: 25

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.479 MB (1,550,591 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.16%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-50 (zeitgeist-1.tx25.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x8cec759d843e04496c4087ac85e15242674877ab13f90a9f98f9d82d78750037
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x0e1b3b17d21ee208606abf17325c7506aa0b2627064b3509b8e7c0a9e24dbf2d
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0xd6ba625419da0f5f71fd9971716877b67b3a6aa4f0a21427009f8fe29f974976
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.4.1 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-10-16T16:21:32Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-50 (zeitgeist-1.tx25.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 5.95 MB (6243564 bytes) setCode : 0x7146d97a4dcc9f2881ebc95c67058b0ba0ab10839ed2628c2f1675964bbafc9e authorizeUpgrade : 0xc04a145c54a62aa5daae107f51d54af9d21e72425b1e23d503627e19e1433429 IPFS : QmeSt1Jt6XddvwnaSVRtwDUHduLr3eucSn2Hf5MDYTCPxh BLAKE2_256 : 0x63f48eddc429ce432fe53f88283eaafad16a3f286574365d1b63d3d8ef3ec647 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-50 (zeitgeist-1.tx25.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.48 MB (1550591 bytes) Compression : 75.17% setCode : 0xe7a0a6e14468289a1fdd77d0a3450db329ec86d9ab8662f366b182927a8c1a10 authorizeUpgrade : 0x93b888ea25472172493e8c238121c415553265aaec24d2a3464bbb2d1c62ae71 IPFS : QmeGrCiD3uV2c7RjHShqExGY6WAzrDgGMpBm9XTSnRkv15 BLAKE2_256 : 0xd6ba625419da0f5f71fd9971716877b67b3a6aa4f0a21427009f8fe29f974976 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 50
transaction_version: 25

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.468 MB (1,539,208 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.20%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-50 (zeitgeist-1.tx25.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x714e684a0f6305fc2dd9b56221dff1e7fcfb87edaece381c2b2a4dadd397c400
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x0e86dcc6db909d0a05f005a6b807c91d636c1e9ec0578fc13fdca8bddab187d9
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x14a04426b7fc33b4a5e0faa63c04532f01affe6e05b3864a25efd7d6f552c19b
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.4.1 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-10-16T15:44:17Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-50 (zeitgeist-1.tx25.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 5.92 MB (6207392 bytes) setCode : 0xc859387aa2d8dc0887e94968589e09d2480e81a20c9fda16fbec91ed6278c1a8 authorizeUpgrade : 0x98e5e10533cd0292fcf5d6eee6edb2b21607b5c68a6f0419710b0b98a9c7938d IPFS : QmVjk1qLaVuibWDYb179RtbE2WfnZSQRMGjbbVkdRnzf8z BLAKE2_256 : 0x8a4fc7cc061b29761980831a770aea8f72e8e0a6eafbdb79a2bc09ec7c6a8f18 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-50 (zeitgeist-1.tx25.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.47 MB (1539208 bytes) Compression : 75.21% setCode : 0x9df2a7cc50d16f42bb3b30e88de0b0ca5a338541874752198037052412c030af authorizeUpgrade : 0x35c24929ee2d2319c63d21b5edd659acfad54068bf8e0bf501bbee722d267ed2 IPFS : QmXpu9TzEwzob1vjxJijB5V7oewxRL9pYHY9Tj3X3oHBGx BLAKE2_256 : 0x14a04426b7fc33b4a5e0faa63c04532f01affe6e05b3864a25efd7d6f552c19b Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Update weights (#1143)
  • Update version (#1142)
  • Fix imports (#1130)
  • Fix taplo build (#1126)
  • Update weight templates to reflect weights-v2 (#1109)
  • Add constant attribute to MaxCreatorFee (#1104)
  • Implement trusted markets (#1100)
  • Implement partial fills for orderbook pallet (#1099)
  • Add docs to zrml-neo-swaps (#1096)
  • Implement zrml-neo-swaps benchmarks (#1095)
  • Implement AMM 2.0-light (#1092)
  • Add Substrate style guide (#1090)


23 Sep 17:55
Choose a tag to compare

Release Notes

Upgrade Priority: ❗ HIGH ❗ Please upgrade your node as soon as possible.


Use new dispute system design (ZIP-0)
The dispute system was reiterated. It now offers a proper API to control dispute cases, which allows a flexible and clean extension of the prediction market protocol by new pallets that handle disputes. This was a prerequisite to properly implement the Court pallet, which is part of this release and enabled on Battery Station.

Implement Court dispute mechanism (ZIP-2)
Court is a decentralized and permissionless dispute mechanism that tries to solve the problem of determining the true outcome of a market. A detailed explanation of the functioning of the Court dispute mechanism can be examined at Zeitgeist documentation. The (unlikely) situation can occur that the Court dispute mechanism is unable to determine the correct outcome. In that case it utilizes the global dispute mechanism as a final resort.

Enable global disputes on mainnet
Global disputes is now enabled in the Zeitgeist runtime as well. It provides the protocol with the ability to determine the true outcome by spawning a global token holder vote.

Add market creator incentives
The creator of a market now has the ability to specify a market creator fee percentage within certain boundaries. Each trade that happens in the context of that market is additionally charged with the market creator fee associated with the respective market. The fee is transferred to the market creator.

Update codebase to polkadot-v0.9.38
As Zeitgeist's dependencies are updated to polkadot-v0.9.38, the protocol starts utilizing XCMv3 and the new more advanced weight system Weightsv2.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 49
transaction_version: 24

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.450 MB (1,520,328 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.12%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-49 (zeitgeist-1.tx24.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x1aa8077db57d2f4a402b4a7bf10107bf9e6757db1eec18771fc0bb6befa92039
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0xda5410a84c375b8891c18e7b59a3ac414c1f7f694fd50629dd50d4bf9c54e507
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x6e10b30cf965bb7a7b419df08422aba8b8d9ff3a7a6a09a15bbea85f7a555f63
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.4.0 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-09-23T15:52:04Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-49 (zeitgeist-1.tx24.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 5.83 MB (6110895 bytes) setCode : 0x79068099f023664a71be12e08d2fbe04918bff2fa4c898e02307219c96257308 authorizeUpgrade : 0x76861459aaba03964c45171e4d3ae951ea1f1d01ee88d4c5f7539b8ea2c51c24 IPFS : QmQ1USWniEsh4YKYdwd9itQuuFKyZAnFFC4HbuUfyso7Jj BLAKE2_256 : 0x91a8ea59682dcfbd17edb5959612cbfc27252c53647fe8a31b39d4245b1c48e3 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-49 (zeitgeist-1.tx24.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.45 MB (1520328 bytes) Compression : 75.13% setCode : 0x47d2758274c2aaf72f97469bb3425b9015d162faddb097c62295c44ae188126e authorizeUpgrade : 0xa043fa5c01f652aaaac3f816c79a3fbc5c3fbc6de91cad847afa44f1f10bc57d IPFS : QmQzWF8Sbzm2jRrcfhz3MF254jZnjsLCioKsT6riseywsa BLAKE2_256 : 0x6e10b30cf965bb7a7b419df08422aba8b8d9ff3a7a6a09a15bbea85f7a555f63 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 49
transaction_version: 24

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.440 MB (1,509,978 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.14%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-49 (zeitgeist-1.tx24.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x754411587c59a8e5fb649e89e74a555d2c763e762e942e896c1fcfefc2f3f7a9
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x3e84a6332872bb6a9c476a89124a2b49561f64934fa5ecee6228594616122985
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x8b4e0ec69120e8bb7b52005665f0d789bcf0256806030650f401fff61df2e704
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.4.0 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-09-23T16:02:22Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-49 (zeitgeist-1.tx24.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 5.79 MB (6075095 bytes) setCode : 0x7c99e8998b48c18b1dc44517b1d7d35b7c1ecf1a28506a951855a9c06ad3984a authorizeUpgrade : 0xaf6a38e083926d773659c7f651ba19e47c6b971dafeb06f16e9ad11839b88eef IPFS : QmePSyCCKWYPScsLagqTYJX89EBWCEKpNsLKumWVqHUnVv BLAKE2_256 : 0x05135f04f92ebbc0a5609f54b29fcb6a7552b211330dc686caadc6dff7d0df89 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-49 (zeitgeist-1.tx24.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.44 MB (1509978 bytes) Compression : 75.15% setCode : 0xea7579b2a93297eed868c99d115ddec58d1efab34ff303607172b1673253178c authorizeUpgrade : 0x2e90cdbb77d54dbd5a2767bcfcf362af7ce0244f221f99f6e1e644c2c9cf0a57 IPFS : QmerSZWcB6x1Ww6KM6cdbpShNsNz6BCkJWq1G11ocsFP1Z BLAKE2_256 : 0x8b4e0ec69120e8bb7b52005665f0d789bcf0256806030650f401fff61df2e704 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Update weights v0.4.0 (#1121)
  • Add bad block of the proof size fiasko to Battery Station chain spec (#1119)
  • Reduce length of MarketsCollectingSubsidy (#1118)
  • Update weights (#1101)
  • Update versions to v0.4.0 (#1098)
  • Implement production dispute system (#1085)
  • Update dependencies to v0.9.38 (#1079)
  • Adjust maximum market lifetime (#1078)
  • Samuel fix client update (#1076)
  • Remove duplicate entry in changelog (#1075)
  • Run checks when the "s:accepted" label is set (#1074)
  • Remove old migrations (#1073)
  • Implement market creator incentives (#1057)
  • Fix mergify config status check names (#1045)
  • Implement Production Court (#976)
  • [Global Disputes] Fix issues after first battery station live test (#912)


07 Aug 11:12
Choose a tag to compare

Release Notes

Upgrade Priority: Low (upgrade at your own convenience)


  • Add core support for any foreign token
  • Enable runtime calls for smart contracts (Battery Station only)
  • Upgrade codebase to polkadot-v0.9.37

The primary goal of this streamlined release is to upgrade all components to polkadot-v0.9.37. As a result, runtime calls are now available as an unstable feature in pallet-contracts.

This release also enables the experimental feature on Battery Station that allows developers to write smart contracts that directly interact with the prediction market logic.

Further to these updates, support within the core protocol for any foreign token was added, thus allowing the utilization of any (whitelisted) asset in prediction markets, which paves the way to onboard stablecoins within markets.

Finally, optimizations in automation as well as some minor bug fixes were added.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 48
transaction_version: 23

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.398 MB (1,465,715 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.59%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-48 (zeitgeist-1.tx23.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x4d010a35f584dfdc1c9f4d74613b13d1c48b9702ee1dab214d8f339f475e22f0
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0xb19c6882e02ef93600ff9ca7ab25f87e0b85a441aa9a1ffb783729d4779b0f95
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0xfe1aab96ec2a438d6355f08b2fc24b9af2e68b2fa937f7980f971e0f5ad92ef0
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain,with-global-disputes" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1:
Package : battery-station-runtime v0.3.11
GIT commit :
GIT tag :
GIT branch :
Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10)
Time : 2023-08-07T10:45:40Z

== Compact
Version : zeitgeist-48 (zeitgeist-1.tx23.au1)
Metadata : V14
Size : 5.73 MB (6003398 bytes)
setCode : 0x90055eba8190c834e2f1e4478988172769b4f687f4aa294e5d2eb033bde71d1e
authorizeUpgrade : 0x02a701d02c3e546d1e91acdb1c78f6913f7ad75e1a3349565107167b49972c28
IPFS : QmPot5dARb22KRt4F34HbkUuzrChvpQC6FTBdnM12SNVFL
BLAKE2_256 : 0x9b730a1457e80e635476316cf7e44df6c8ff1795f8238896b695c679766b2169
Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm

== Compressed
Version : zeitgeist-48 (zeitgeist-1.tx23.au1)
Metadata : V14
Size : 1.40 MB (1465715 bytes)
Compression : 75.59%
setCode : 0x67382447060e3a6c54c3932bc1896b920f029db2d99f06be1696fdc688e69ff1
authorizeUpgrade : 0xeb48e5406ce61b9f957b128bc8381b55604ff857b20c9fd77a3c4a3228881e28
BLAKE2_256 : 0xfe1aab96ec2a438d6355f08b2fc24b9af2e68b2fa937f7980f971e0f5ad92ef0
Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 48
transaction_version: 23

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.374 MB (1,440,227 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 75.62%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-48 (zeitgeist-1.tx23.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x530d1f8787104b72eab80c672124c7bbca7b63494987b1313f07ca4ab4cf35b9
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x820095dfeb14ef89fe8cbf2ee26c2a2de36b7a65c840d7e74596a5986747d93b
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0xab5fa240a4b8e00647f02857ffc51ebf8e4f1e63ac1f40db74d0e2844eb3f274
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1:
Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.3.11
GIT commit :
GIT tag :
GIT branch :
Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10)
Time : 2023-08-07T11:03:12Z

== Compact
Version : zeitgeist-48 (zeitgeist-1.tx23.au1)
Metadata : V14
Size : 5.63 MB (5906609 bytes)
setCode : 0x9659bcd0119f5d85bcb25aed55edebab4338b8019f87799e4588a5018a8f688e
authorizeUpgrade : 0x7123e595c4550235e87ea0d0ca20a7ac30bf5f80d178972b85c84b5cb0b8fbc1
BLAKE2_256 : 0xbfc2fee72028cec48d0e363cbc805799b84ea7365e6e1211102fd80bc9fb0d6c
Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm

== Compressed
Version : zeitgeist-48 (zeitgeist-1.tx23.au1)
Metadata : V14
Size : 1.37 MB (1440227 bytes)
Compression : 75.62%
setCode : 0xb546677ed47a07d9298f7c6247028d7cf67321d9e566c4d569162d1844300b37
authorizeUpgrade : 0x1415ede945543bf834bd77c3b2795963834bf98cd04cffe99eb5272537971fbb
IPFS : QmaoYxrBtiYUUML6Z3Bo7YsaPb1W86nvGKdbgZGGUJ9Vps
BLAKE2_256 : 0xab5fa240a4b8e00647f02857ffc51ebf8e4f1e63ac1f40db74d0e2844eb3f274
Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Fix fee tests (#1070 )
  • Update weights (#1068)
  • Fix parachain-staking benchmarks (#1066)
  • Fix try-runtime makefile targets (#1065)
  • Update versions (#1063)
  • Fix workflow runs on main (#1061)
  • Maintain dependencies in workspace (#1060)
  • Upgrade dependencies (#1059)
  • Use u32 asset id for foreign tx fee payment (#1058)
  • Foreign tx fee improvements (#1056)
  • Add get_fee_factor_test (#1053)
  • Client auto update (#1052)
  • Merge release branch release-v0.3.10 into main (#1051)
  • Run try-runtime also on RC tags (#1050)
  • Support all fractional places (#1049)
  • Enable certain dispatchable calls in smart contracts (#1041)
  • Add Hadolint and Trivy Checks (#557)


24 Jul 09:02
Choose a tag to compare

Release Notes

Upgrade Priority: Medium (timely upgrade recommended)


  • Implement foreign asset transaction fees
  • Add prediction market and swaps proxies
  • Integrate --relay-chain-rpc-url flag

Implementation of foreign asset transactions
This release introduces the ability to pay transaction fees using foreign assets, such as DOT. This will empower users to interact with certain components of the protocol, such as liquidity provision and trading, even if they only hold foreign tokens. For users who hold multiple tokens, it is now possible to select one dedicated token to be used specifically for fee payment (note: token selection happens off-chain).

Add prediction market and swaps proxies
Accounts are now capable of delegating certain interaction privileges within the core prediction markets protocol to other accounts by utilizing proxies. For instance: One account can allow another account to create markets, report outcomes, dispute outcomes, trade, manage existing liquidity and add new liquidity on their behalf. Any combination of these privileges is possible.

Integrate --relay-chain-rpc-url flag
From this release onward, node operators can utilize the relaychain flag --relay-chain-rpc-url to specify an URL to a relaychain node that is used during block production. By default, every Zeitgeist node internally spawns a relaychain node to synchronize with the relaychain. Using --relay-chain-rpc-url, considerable hardware costs can be saved, especially for node providers of multiple parachain nodes.

The swaps pallet now exposes an RPC that returns all asset prices of a specific swap pool in one single request.
Most of the remaining changes in this release deal with the automation of several aspects of the collaborative work on GitHub.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 47
transaction_version: 22

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.186 MB (1,244,128 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 74.82%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-47 (zeitgeist-1.tx22.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x1f11e6487a50b34037eae0cf4bb4384caae6446efc4e5bf2c0ea8ed62b4ddd37
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x456da87d171da5836c80e4f56bcc80b2db3f508061550ec319061bd5ed70c52e
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0xe7b068e6ae29960422f22a957b00bd6bdb063d3a8763e0ef6cec1a62f7f7eb4a
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain,with-global-disputes" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.3.10 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-07-21T15:58:14Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-47 (zeitgeist-1.tx22.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 4.71 MB (4940976 bytes) setCode : 0x5803dfac96d15d21272758345451e1ead6324de254683e7ae6f857afc69078b3 authorizeUpgrade : 0x847f16fe12de667482b41f1fea16243d51cffc2b31459688c840c8d5d528f1f0 IPFS : QmPjD22qKLnksYjYiPBDwuXXQTY4M9LjycFadzZp5ZXMgq BLAKE2_256 : 0x1f1a2eec42deec0aa19aba6236b7b8a079540e2d94b4b4807126f8d272e3b810 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-47 (zeitgeist-1.tx22.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.19 MB (1244128 bytes) Compression : 74.83% setCode : 0x1c60fdea6d889ffb8a6231f72672ee51bc9b1eb747db47306d1991aeb24fd8c8 authorizeUpgrade : 0xeeb0754a20ed722f620462c6aedf5f927f037b7453ffb5dc4ad316551e1f5bda IPFS : QmeiWd3DcfsdR9ke8fHWn5TaAn456MdZR3ARRyaYLYNNFw BLAKE2_256 : 0xe7b068e6ae29960422f22a957b00bd6bdb063d3a8763e0ef6cec1a62f7f7eb4a Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 47
transaction_version: 22

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.170 MB (1,226,564 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 74.78%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-47 (zeitgeist-1.tx22.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x7fe3362bbd9da9153b1754b1fbe4a6a4d6ae06a1574b2cb710d0d0fad724b0f4
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0x14d32c7d390614328db5945fedd69cdffcf3269ee276c900daf229cef726111b
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0x61c1af5548b9f10902e39bbfccc42deb3b5c4f62e348e5c6f42679df7f35f14e
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.3.10 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-07-21T16:12:14Z
== Compact Version : zeitgeist-47 (zeitgeist-1.tx22.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 4.64 MB (4863676 bytes) setCode : 0x5ddf633d39d9e1b54097f19ddedb0179e0af1f3cfe1ea560ccfe6ede31426da8 authorizeUpgrade : 0xafdeafeb3527d527709448d57f7880d4c5cffad4eb04821c905994540e1f6082 IPFS : QmRvq7wnUydrvQZgWgLwnj93Kif29NHuaMUkZic1TRk7Sh BLAKE2_256 : 0xcaa3087e15a381b1de304fc8814f662ea710fdf51909882802d50c4a445de828 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm
== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-47 (zeitgeist-1.tx22.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.17 MB (1226564 bytes) Compression : 74.79% setCode : 0xdc8c91daf1e292e14edbb3668f12fd1562eab7020a4fdd361ed0f829ab3eaa5f authorizeUpgrade : 0x269c6937ca9b76dee7ba843a3b64dab5171709ac012c9598828a45e38454c597 IPFS : QmfDwUNLznBqAdxPdtQ3Cxkj8JHYBv8r96ypPG1WjLBoCi BLAKE2_256 : 0x61c1af5548b9f10902e39bbfccc42deb3b5c4f62e348e5c6f42679df7f35f14e Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Update weights (#1048)
  • Update versions (#1047)
  • Don't notify codeowners when only weight files or Cargo.toml are changed (#1044)
  • Run workflows required for merges when label s:review-needed is set (#1043)
  • Adjust mergify status checks and label management (#1042)
  • Improve license checker error message (#1039)
  • Add prediction market and swaps proxies (#1038)
  • Integrate --relay-chain-rpc-url flag (#1037)
  • Add dispatch call indices (#1036)
  • Don't panic on spec_version mismatch during try-runtime (#1035)
  • Remove old migrations (#1034)
  • Release v0.3.9 (#1033)
  • Update weight templates copyright (#1027)
  • Implement foreign asset transaction fees (#1022)
  • RPC for querying prices for all assets of given pool_id. (#971)
  • Zeitgeist Client Update Automation (#944)
  • Add verbose feature in script/tests/ (#910)
  • Add simple mergify config. It uses branch protection rules from github configuration. (#777)


23 Jun 19:11
Choose a tag to compare

Release Notes

Upgrade Priority: Medium (timely upgrade recommended)


  • Add smart contract compatibility
  • Finalize ZIP-0 (dispute system overhaul)
  • Fix numerous bugs
  • Improve usability

From this release onward, Zeitgeist is a hybrid chain by providing developers the ability to deploy code that executes within the consensus system in the form of smart contracts. Currently smart contracts cannot interact with the core logic such as prediction markets, but only with logic that handles the transferal of native tokens (this was done for security reasons). This restriction is planned to be lifted in the future. More information at

A major improvement to the existing dispute system mechanism has been finalized. More information at

Numerous bug fixes have been implemented, such as:

  • Handle cases where token dust or slashed tokens were not moved into the treasury.
  • Rename pallet_multisig instance within the runtime - This now unlocks multisig features on Polkadot apps.
  • Use proper inflation config and eligibility ratio during genesis used for staking rewards.
  • Reserve outcome report bond when someone other than the oracle reports an outcome (now the reporter risks losing something).
  • Repair get_spot_price rpc.
  • Store proper market end in database when a market is forcefully closed.

Usability also has been improved by:

  • Setting minimum liquidity per pool, denominated in any allowed base asset to 0.01 (previously it was 100)
  • Use more reasonable voting ratios in advisory committee motions.
  • Decrease the storage deposit *- the total number of tokens in relation to market capitalization now determines the storage fee; the same ratio as on Polkadot is used.

The code base was upgraded to polkadot-v0.9.32, which introduces numerous improvements and new features like the operation of Zeitgeist nodes using a remote relaychain node.

Finally, during the development of this release, a lot of energy was invested into the engineering of a decentralized and incentivized dispute resolution mechanism named "Court". It is currently undergoing a final review.

Battery Station Runtime

spec_version: 46
transaction_version: 21

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.200 MB (1,258,468 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 74.73%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-46 (zeitgeist-1.tx21.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0x9552d51f7120f58aa0f24a3a68147c5670fab860951b896313136d32822b6668
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0xa212233f182328c3b38a27c8ca212e38de71baf06aa90cad17315764cf6092a6
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0xa2520affcc8c83bf673c86ed06a112ae321da10b6a591bb5413d599db9efe0d0
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain,with-global-disputes" --package battery-station-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/battery-station


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : battery-station-runtime v0.3.9 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-06-23T18:57:31Z

== Compact Version : zeitgeist-46 (zeitgeist-1.tx21.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 4.75 MB (4980570 bytes) setCode : 0x120e17c6d437005b71b51079486fcb5175e1420f6cd35281fb4677c9b0644be7 authorizeUpgrade : 0x0e22f86958a8be662c52c3a496a21fdf18d2b70feb8cfbb051b72e1cefa117d4 IPFS : Qmcy62xSMk1AJ6nESs5vWo2Fij2ix9n2jE1oLW1Keyw335 BLAKE2_256 : 0xcc95d822a5792e12623ef92e570db3e139a46aebb0e759157a2896aa9eaf6478 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.wasm

== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-46 (zeitgeist-1.tx21.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.20 MB (1258468 bytes) Compression : 74.74% setCode : 0x14be76362d522f34ea3dafa338adc53df42204842fe5616aa2519c6af701bda8 authorizeUpgrade : 0x820fbee942729cdf00f76b337f4370c448ea2f9525cf9c82b5546cec609f0c84 IPFS : QmPmC1gmKaSbbF35ejhGjYn78dAKprDXSEiehB7kYM4hHV BLAKE2_256 : 0xa2520affcc8c83bf673c86ed06a112ae321da10b6a591bb5413d599db9efe0d0 Wasm : ./runtime/battery-station/target/srtool/production/wbuild/battery-station-runtime/battery_station_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Zeitgeist Runtime

spec_version: 46
transaction_version: 21

🏋️ Runtime size:             1.180 MB (1,237,617 bytes) 
🗜 Compressed:               Yes, 74.76%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             zeitgeist-46 (zeitgeist-1.tx21.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash:      0xa2bb2cd21c066f18d2754bf395cfb30c47646e275680e3e40d3c5e2eb3ffe8a5
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:    0xef6498e9760cc321b9b49738b15638df1b45985f5e760ad9439c7d0c7c8586c9
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:          0xcc67cfc0e04f7ee77a4209a3fe33c09e0453f1f6dcea6c6b34e09499cfd3d1e9
📦 IPFS:           

Srtool output (based on srtool-cli): SRTOOL_TAG="1.66.1" srtool build --build-opts "\-\-features=parachain" --package zeitgeist-runtime --profile production --root --runtime-dir ./runtime/zeitgeist


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨

Summary generated with srtool v0.9.25 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.66.1: Package : zeitgeist-runtime v0.3.9 GIT commit : GIT tag : GIT branch : Rustc : rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10) Time : 2023-06-23T18:46:19Z

== Compact Version : zeitgeist-46 (zeitgeist-1.tx21.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 4.68 MB (4902453 bytes) setCode : 0x495680478629e80870e051d0b84117a6eae429c1f388f4a462ce02e847754237 authorizeUpgrade : 0xf4edc876fea22a26f6b70ba145864e93028fcfd5e8f987bd95933b5c523105af IPFS : Qmdbat8HGUceSg9viLfSDJGw3BrvnQUQUuFpfSs3zs2hNe BLAKE2_256 : 0x7eb68a39171911c5e608c7ce6481c8974704cedf24a333b5d87b5846523a1d6c Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.wasm

== Compressed Version : zeitgeist-46 (zeitgeist-1.tx21.au1) Metadata : V14 Size : 1.18 MB (1237617 bytes) Compression : 74.76% setCode : 0xf73917aa0e63573150416d955c6a7e7f8fa77d583991315c50d8297562f343f7 authorizeUpgrade : 0x9d981123f454993b6778fcaa4be876b9659e7a3a6722bac673b8792d0e51f03a IPFS : QmYzamZDWBKNtdZCFfwDMajBhsBwUxRNGFixcQxi2QMzDf BLAKE2_256 : 0xcc67cfc0e04f7ee77a4209a3fe33c09e0453f1f6dcea6c6b34e09499cfd3d1e9 Wasm : ./runtime/zeitgeist/target/srtool/production/wbuild/zeitgeist-runtime/zeitgeist_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm


  • Use updated Rococo bootnodes (#1030)
  • Fix name collision (#1029)
  • Use argument in to avoid usage of sudo (#1028)
  • Update crate and runtime version (#1026)
  • Update weights (#1025)
  • Separate tests into two jobs: standalone and parachain (#1024)
  • Add style guide (#1021)
  • Add pull request template (#1018)
  • Add code owners (#1017)
  • Fix docs of MarketEdited (#1016)
  • Make MaxMarketLifetime a constant (#1014)
  • Update toolchain (#1013)
  • Include pallet-contracts into the runtime (#1012)
  • Use reasonable storage fee (#1011)
  • Fix pipeline (#1009)
  • Move slashed funds from reject proposals to treasury (#1008)
  • Move ZBS/ZTG dust into the treasury (#1007)
  • Test all features in test scripts (#1006)
  • Transfer token dust to treasury (#1005)
  • Add missing changes to changelog (#1000)
  • Remove MinLiquidity parameter (#999)
  • Use rust default toolchain for ci tests (#993)
  • Move BS to Rococo and Zeitgeist to Polkadot (#992)
  • Adjust Advisory Committee voting ratios (#975)
  • Delete types.json (#973)
  • Upgrade 0932 (#966)
  • Fix name of pallet_multisig (#965)
  • Fix licenses (#964)
  • Add automatic copyright notice verification (#963)
  • Use secret token for CodeCov (#962)
  • Gensis: Use proper inflation config and eligiblity ratio (#960)
  • Remove crowdloan_rewards pallet (#958)
  • Include integration tests in runtime only if test feature is set (#957)
  • Use crystal ball logo in logs (#952)
  • Add CodeCov and Discord badges (#950)
  • [PM] Set market end when admin closes the market (#943)
  • ZIP-0 Part II (#938)
  • Fix order of arguments in get_spot_price (#937)
  • Basic tag.yml script (#931)
  • [PM] Reserve OutsiderBond for report, when the oracle fails to report (#903)