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Invision Prototype User Testing 2

kirstynj edited this page Oct 26, 2017 · 5 revisions

Some user-testing was completed on the second iteration of the Invision Prototype. This was to test the changes made based on previous feedback and gather results, hoping for positive user feedback especially on the changed aspects.

Testing Agenda

The user testing agenda and procedure used for this user testing is the same as the previous user testing which can be found in the wiki here

Although only 5 users were tested in this iteration.

Raw Data and Results

The raw data and results from the user testing can be found here


All users completed all tasks with little to no confusion or help needed. 100% of users completed 100% of tasks.

Aspects of the prototype that were problematic in previous user testing such as icons and the event chat, were no longer issues in this iteration of user testing.

Confusion on icons was eliminated. The new icons being all unique were more obvious to the user as to what they were for. All users understood the purpose of the event chat and knew where to find it. This is improved from the confusion around the chat in the previous user testing session.

The changes made from previous feedback have made a positive impact on the use of the application and the usability for all users as can be seen in this user testing session.

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