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Sprint 3, Meeting 2 and Contributions

Coleen McKay edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 1 revision

Meeting Notes:

  • Today was the assessed stand up (04/10/17)
  • Since the last meeting, everyone had performed their user testing
  • Everyone was present
  • The team has began creating the web prototype; however, as we currently do not have a zone at the moment, the files will be HTML, CSS and JS. Once we obtain a zone, all HTML files will be converted over into PHP so that we are able to utilise the database and SQL
  • Here is a current screen capture of the web prototype, containing the base HTML and CSS for the nav and search bar and the map API
  • Here is the InVision prototype 1.0
  • As a team we realised there are various issues with the overall flow of the events feature. Within the next week, a meeting will be held to flesh out the details and edge cases of creating an event, browsing events and navigating through the app
  • The tutors have advised us worry more about creating an application that covers all of the features we want to implement, rather than create one really precise feature. We will be taking this advice on board.
  • By next practical (11/10/17), we should have our zone and AJAX functioning


Individual Contributions This Sprint:

  • Created the InVision prototype with Kirstyn
  • User tested the InVision prototype with two participants
    • The primary observations and comments from users were that the back button was not clear enough and more pages need a back button. Also the overall events feature flow (map, events page, events chat) was not clear and needed to be refined
  • Created the base HTML and CSS that will be used for most pages

Next Sprint:

  • Will be laying down the foundation blueprints of the pages and styling where needed
  • Helping Dom convert the files into PHP and implementing AJAX to changes pages according to the nav


Individual Contributions This Sprint:

  • Researched different APIs that could be useful to our project
  • User tested the InVision prototype with two participants
    • The primary observations and comments from users were that the event pages were difficult to navigate through. Also the logout feature isn't contained within the main page of the application.
  • Implemented the map API within the current web prototype

Next Sprint:

  • Will be working on the web prototype database and map features


Individual Contributions This Sprint:

  • Created all mock ups for the InVision prototype
  • User tested the InVision prototype with two participants
    • The primary observations and comments from users were that -- ?

Next Sprint:

  • Will be working on implementing feedback from user testing by creating new mock ups for the next InVision prototype
  • Jumping in on CSS wherever needed


Individual Contributions This Sprint:

  • User tested the InVision prototype with two participants
    • The primary observations and comments from users were that they didn't understand the event group chat and what it was for?
  • Compiled everyone's user testing, evaluated the trends and documented the results within a wiki

Next Sprint:

  • Working on creating the next InVision prototype with the changes according to the feedback.
  • Helping Dom with back end of the online prototype.


Individual Contributions This Sprint:

  • Researched content and information of various events for Chris to utilise within the mock ups
  • Created the user testing wiki
  • User tested the InVision prototype with two participants
    • The primary observations and comments from users were that -- ?

Next Sprint:

  • Will be researching more in-depth content of the events for detailed event pages
  • Modifying CSS wherever necessary
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