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Coleen McKay edited this page Sep 13, 2017 · 1 revision


In order to gain a better insight as to what features should be included within the platform, personas of potential Travel App users have been created.

30/08/2017 Initial Personas were created. Will be changed accordingly once information is gathered from potential users.

Hilari Makae

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Origin: California, United States

Relationship Status: In a relationship


  • Hilari loves being around other people. She is very extroverted, loves to meet new people, is currently planning a 2 month holiday around Europe with her friend and likes to post pictures of the destinations she goes to. She prefers hanging out with boys because less drama. When traveling Hilari prefers to stay in a hostel share room with 6 or more people and is always looking for the next adventure; whether it be skiing in the Swiss Alps or skydiving in Austria.


  • Sightseeing, photography and thrill seeking.


  • Do as many touristy things as possible.
  • She wants to be able to make meeting people when travelling easier
  • She wants to be able to share images of the places she’s been with other travellers
  • She wants to go to party events at night in different countries
  • She wants be able to find information on her current location without going to a information centre


  • Does not have knowledge on where to go to find good tourist locations.
  • Wants to make a group of travel friends without going on an organised tour.
  • Wants to travel with people who have the same interests as her and want to do the same types of things.
  • Finds it difficult to find information and locations because of the language barrier


  • How can we allow Hilari to find tourists with same interests as her?
  • How can we help her find other travellers travelling with a friend?
  • How can we lessen the language barrier for international travellers?

Damien Kistanza

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Origin: Melbourne, Australia

Relationship Status: Single


  • Damien is a free spirit traveler that loves hanging out with people for a short period of time and considers himself to be an introverted extrovert. When travelling Damien is looking to experience new cultures, food, the party scene and tourist attractions. Damien is currently embarking on a solo 6 week backpacking holiday around Southeast Asia hoping to immerse himself in the cultures of Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.


  • Food, parties and foreign cultures


  • He wants to enjoy the never ending party of life
  • He wants to try authentic traditional food
  • He wants to see not only the big tourist attractions but also how the locals live
  • He wants to meet new people at each new place he travels


  • Language is often a barrier he has to overcome when travelling between tourist attractions
  • Finding the best places for traditional food
  • Meeting other people looking to party at each point in his holiday
  • Using all his data while navigating each destination


  • How can we provide Damien with wifi hotspots in foreign countries so he doesn’t use up all his data at once?
  • How can we help him find other travellers that are looking to party?
  • How can we help him to find the all authentic traditional food in each destination?
  • How can provide tips or common phrases to help him communicate with locals in their native language?

Francis Ocean

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Origin: Melbourne, Australia

Relationship Status: Single

*Background: *

  • Introverted
  • Mechanic
  • Dad of three
  • Goes travelling every two years with his family usually around south east asia
  • Enjoys food and culture


  • Experience the customs and cultures, of each country he and his family travel to.
  • He wants to try authentic traditional food
  • He wants to make friends with other families while travelling.

*Challenges: *

  • Francis has to cater for 4 other people, in each aspect of the trip
  • Language is often a barrier he has to overcome when travelling
  • Some of his family members are vegetarian
  • Questions
  • How can we provide information and a point of connection for families to communicate with each other?
  • How will we provide information on traditional food options that are vegetarian?
  • How will we differentiate family friendly options from over 18 options?
  • Will there be options in the navigation system that cater for 5+ people in between tourist attractions?
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