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Qi-ISB edited this page Aug 9, 2024 · 62 revisions


Welcome to the NCATS Biomedical Data Translator teams and tools documentation wiki.

This wiki will be used as a central location for Translator tools. The Translator Architecture itself is generally described on Translator Architecture site but here we document all of the specific components deployed by funded Translator teams. The Biolink Model can be found here

Please add/update a page for your team and your tools with information and instructions specified in the templates below.

Start with this wiki home page:

  • Ensure your tools are listed on the front page tools and services list (see below)
  • Ensure there is a wiki page for your teams and tools and it is linked to the list of tools on the front page
  • Use the three templates (below) to provide/update your team and tool page details.

For team pages, see this template for providing details about your team.

  • e.g. ARA would use this template to provide details about what the team does, list the tools this team created/supports/maintains. KPs the ARA accesses.
  • e.g. KP would provide the similar items as ARA (see above), and Knowledge Sources that the KP accesses.

For ARA (tool) pages, see this template.

Each ARA tool must have its own wiki page. The page provides a description of the tool, what it is for, how to use it, technical guidelines, etc.

For KP (tool) pages, see this template.

Each KP tool must have its own wiki page. The page provides a description of the tool, what it is for, how to use it, technical guidelines, etc.

Tools & Services

List below is a guide to current tools, please add and edit as appropriate with more details and information. Include Tool or Service name - the team that provides the tool or the service. Please link to the tool or the service page for ease of access.


Expander Agent Exploring Agent (im)Proving Agent Ranking Agent Unsecret Agent


Clinical Data Provider Connections Hypothesis Provider Exposures Provider Genetics Provider
Molecular Data Provider Multiomics Provider Service Provider Text Mining Provider


SRI and Related Resources
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