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Literature Cooccurrence KP

Bill Baumgartner edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 1 revision

Description: The Literature Cooccurrence Knowledge Provider serves links between pairs of biomedical entities that have been mentioned together in the scientific literature. Six different cooccurrence metrics are computed for entities that are mentioned together at different levels of a document: title, abstract, paragraph, and sentence. The Literature Cooccurence KP makes use of the biolink:occurs_together_in_literature_with predicate to connect cooccurring entities. Note that text-mined assertions should be interpreted with some degree of skepticism as the underlying natural language processing algorithms used to extract the assertions can produce false positives.

Example edge: image

Data sources: Currently the Literature Cooccurrence KP makes use of concepts extracted from titles and abstracts from PubMed and the PubMed Central Open Access subset of full text documents.

Regulatory requirement(s) and/or licensing restriction(s): Some of the full text documents from the PubMed Central Open Access Subset are licensed to non-commercial entities only.

Additional Links: Text Mining Provider home page

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