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Gaurav Vaidya edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 4 revisions

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Description: A Gene Ontology - Causal Activity Model (GO-CAM) is a combination of standard Gene Ontology (GO) annotations to produce a network of annotations (“model”) that is a more complete model of biological function than the separate annotations. GO is an ontology for describing the function of genes and gene products. An example GO annotation is:


A GO-CAM can represent how the activities of different gene products work together in a pathway or “biological program”. GO-CAM models can connect different pieces of information about the function of a gene product (joining together different annotations for the same gene product) and/or can connect functions of different gene products together by specifying how the activity of one gene product can affect the activity of another gene product.

All connections in a GO-CAM model are made using clearly defined semantic relations from the Relations Ontology. Browse existing models on the GO-CAM public site.

Ingested by: CAM Provider KG

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