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Colleen Xu edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 12 revisions

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Description: Adverse Event Open Learning through Universal Standardization (AEOLUS) is a curated and standardized version of the Federal Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS).

FAERS data includes drug indication and adverse events reported by healthcare professionals (pharmacists, nurses, physicians) and consumers (patients, lawyers, family members) on a voluntary basis in the United States. The adverse events are self-reported as being related to the drug or biologic; the US FDA makes no attempt to determine causality.

AEOLUS is curated and standardized by removing duplicate case records, applying standardized vocabularies with drug names mapped to RxNorm concepts and outcomes mapped to SNOMED-CT concepts, and pre-computed summary statistics about drug-outcome relationships for general consumption.

Example records:

  • "alfuzosin" (RXNorm 17300, UNII:90347YTW5F) is indicated for "Benign prostatic hyperplasia" (MedDRA:37119607)
  • "Dizziness" (MedDRA:10013573) has been reported as an adverse reaction to "alfuzosin" (RXNorm 17300, UNII:90347YTW5F)

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