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Releases: 0xSpaceShard/starknet-devnet-rs


01 Jul 14:02
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Usage related changes

  • --state-archive-capacity full using less memory
    • Used to be a quadratic growth with each new transaction; now significantly reduced
  • Fix response of getPredeployedAccounts when with_balance set to true:
    "balance": {
        "wei": { "amount":  "1", "unit": "WEI" },
        "fri": { "amount":  "1", "unit": "FRI" }
    "balance": {
        "eth":  { "amount":  "1", "unit": "WEI" },
        "strk": { "amount":  "1", "unit": "FRI" }

Development related changes

  • Update dependencies
  • Fix https forking test
  • Refactor class storage

Merged PRs

Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2


27 Jun 13:51
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Usage related changes

  • v0.1.0 skipped
  • API unification. Devnet-specific functionality now available via JSON-RPC:
    • E.g. POST /mint is now POST /rpc { "method": "devnet_mint", ... }
    • Methods are documented on the documentation pages related to their respective use cases.
    • The long term plan is to remove the old endpoints and keep only JSON-RPC support
  • Block generation changes:
    • Dropped: --blocks-on-demand
    • Introduced --block-generation-on <transaction|demand|<SECONDS>>
      • The last one is a new mode and introduces automatic block generation with a period of <SECONDS>.
      • Default: transaction
    • More info in docs
  • Return proper RPC errors from starknet_getBlockTransactionCount and starknet_getEvents
  • Bugfix in block abortion
  • Update docs with starknet-devnet-js references

Development related changes

  • Refactor of state commitment

Merged PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.1.1


10 Jun 13:09
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License to kill

🔫 This version gives you the license to kill...
...problems you may have faced with other testnets.

Usage related changes

Development related changes

  • Improved account testing
  • Improved documentation (forking, dumping, typos...)

Merged PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7


22 May 13:42
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Usage related changes

  • Migrated to a separate website at
  • Block manipulation improved:
    • --blocks-on-demand and pending block - docs
    • EDIT: there is a problem in querying with block_id="pending", reported here
  • Enabled request and response body logging - docs
  • Introduced account impersonation
  • Gas specification improved; new params:
    • --gas-price-strk <STRK>
    • --data-gas-price-strk <STRK>
  • Introduced --lite-mode - docs
  • Bugfix of forking when origin uses HTTPS
  • Bugfix of predeployed account constructor execution
  • Introduced endpoint /config for retrieving current Devnet configuration - docs
  • Improved Sierra compilation error handling
  • amount property of response of GET /account_balance changed to string

Development related changes

  • Prepared mac binary building for CircleCI executor deprecation
  • Improved benchmarking
  • Using codespell check

Merged PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6


15 Apr 15:00
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Usage related changes

  • Providing JSON-RPC API v0.7.1
  • Supporting Starknet v0.13.1.1
  • Updates on block manipulation:
    • On spawning Devnet, an empty origin block is generated
    • Supporting block abortion
  • Using Sepolia chain ID
  • Starting with this release, platform-specific pre-compiled binaries are attached in the Assets section (more info).
  • Improved installation docs
  • Updates on forking:
    • A warning is logged if spawned Devnet has a config mismatch with the origin.
    • Bugfix in starknet_getClassAt
    • Forking not fully supported if the origin URL uses HTTPS scheme (issue)
  • Always predeclaring both Cairo0 and Cairo1 accounts
    • Still predeploying only the one kind selected by user (docs)
  • Large HTTP requests supported via configurable body size (--request-body-size-limit <BYTES>)

Development related changes

  • Transaction handling improved by refactoring
  • Internally compiling to CASM using USC
  • Improved development docs.
  • Improved GitHub templates
  • Artifact paths resolved and loaded at compile-time
    • Dockerization made simpler

Merged PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5


27 Mar 15:24
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Usage related changes

  • Supporting JSON-RPC API v0.7.0
  • Introducing forking support: docs
  • Endpoint for checking /account_balance: docs
  • New CLI param: --data-gas-price <PRICE>
  • The default Testnet chain ID used by Devnet is still SN_GOERLI
    • will be addressed in an upcoming release
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Account balance no longer overflowing on minting
    • Compiling sierra to casm only once when fetching the class

Development related changes

  • Major refactorings before block abortion (pending) and forking
  • Fixed Dependabot alerts
  • Changed job parallelization on CircleCI (separate unit and e2e testing, using 3 jobs for the latter)

Merged PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.4


01 Mar 13:47
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Usage related changes

  • Supporting JSON-RPC 0.7.0-rc1
  • Updated predeployed accounts and ERC20 contracts to OpenZeppelin 0.8.1
  • /set_time endpoint now accepts JSON param generate_block that skips block generation if set to true (defaults to false)
    • This way you can ensure that the next transaction you send will be using the set time
  • Fixed bugs
    • Extra properties in some RPC responses
    • Empty object params

Development related changes

  • Using rust-toolchain 1.74.0

Merged PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3


01 Mar 11:51
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Initial official crate release. Further releases shall contain diff since the last release.

  • Available with cargo install starknet-devnet
  • Supporting JSON-RPC v0.6.0

Full Changelog: